About dangel eyez

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lagos, Nigeria
dangel eyez is a blog,created in 2010,brings you all the latest worth-blogging gists and finds joy in exposing great people of our time and great talent!! follow me on twitter @dangeldiva

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Introducing CRINJAVA ... rapper, deejay and more.

yello!!! okay its really been such a long time..school work is almost killing me, project here and there. I see so many things that I just have to blog about but mehn!!! i just can't... Its my final semester(yipeee!!) and it just seems like school wants to "show me pepper" before i'm done with this phase of education. I'm sure if any of my project group members sees this post now, they'll start thinking i'm not serious...looool.

Anyways that aside, i have someone i would love you to meet. He is an upcoming rapper amongst other things. :) :)
As a rapper, he is known as crinjava and as a deejay, he is known as dj techtouch.(don't get it twisted ..lol) 
Olaniyi Teidi populayly known as java is currently studying engineering at the eastern mediterranean university, north cyprus. 
yes!! he loves science and has a passion for music.
In addition, crinjava also makes beats and produces songs for himself and others.(The bros is an allrounder.. :D 

Here is his latest track undefeatable with the beautiful mongolian lady, hally.

undefeatable featuring hally-->> listen and feel free to throw in your comments.

      facebook profile: http://www.facebook.com/Deejay.TechTouch.Crinjay
    and to listen to his mixes http://soundcloud.com/deejay-techtouch/ 

would appreciate your comments and please o follow the format below:
criticize or praise

Thanks a lot to everyone that is following this blog or has subscribed.Also to those that have viewed any post at all on this blog.
much luv....dangel eyez

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